Data processing that a hotel requires from a customer is often acceptable if limited to what is required to prepare for and fulfill a contract.
However, on this basis, no particular customer data (e.g., data related to the physical or mental condition of a customer, including restricted mobility or pregnancy, sex life, religion, and beliefs) may be processed. For this reason, in many cases it is also recommended to obtain the legal basis as an explicit, precise and legally valid consent of the person concerned. In this way, one can secure the processing of further data of the person concerned, so that the personal wishes and needs of the customer can be taken into account again and again.
I agree in my own name that the Juventus Hotelbetriebs- und Handels-Gesellschaft m.b.H. (hereinafter „Hotel“) collects my personal information, in particular
processed for the following purposes:
Furthermore, the transmission of the data
and their vicarious agents consented.
I want my services related to the use of the hotel to be as effective and time-saving as possible, and that my special customer wishes may be taken into account. For the purpose of my optimal care, I wish that
I have been informed that I am entitled to withdraw this consent at any time in whole or in part from the hotel.
I am aware that the privacy policy of the hotel can be accessed on its web portal and I hereby confirm that I have read and understood it and agree with it.
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